I left Knoxville on December 29th, around 5pm. So far everything has been super-busy, so no feeling of excitement yet. After stopping for the night in the "Executive Inn" in Little Rock, AK (which was not really that "executive"), I arrive in Dallas on the 30th to visit Lance and Holly (as well as their 7-month old son, future linebacker Wade Cox). New-years comes around. No hangover. I visit my friend Shaily, who takes me to this "total-fitness" workout. Three days of absolute soreness, horrific pain when trying to brush my teeth or any other activity involving lifting my arms. I also finally order maps and a guide book for Central America, which I have send to a friend's house in south Texas.
On the 5th I continue on to San Antonio, where I visit with my friends Carolee and Mike for a day. After some great time outdoors (including some horse-riding and stable-cleaning), I take off on the 6th for south Texas. Driving down Highway 281 evokes nostalgia, and a feeling of going back home arises in me. How these kinds of emotions work, I don't know, but they sure felt nice while viewing the sunset over the prairie of south Texas.
Today is Sunday the 10th. I'm finally bringing this blog up to speed. On Tuesday morning I'm heading off to Mexico. I have to. If I stay until the 13th I will be an "illegal". Strange feeling after more than 10 years here.
The past few days have been awesome - been able to catch up with so many old friends. Thanks to all of you - it has been great to see you again. Almost all my preparations are finished. But no feeling of excitement yet. Maybe it's because I trained myself in past years not to build up expectation before going somewhere. I don't know. Enough for now. You'll here from me again from Mexico. Hasta luego ...
Travel safe, friend! Can't wait to hear about your adventures and I look forward to sharing a drink with you at Joe's Grass Hut when it's FINALLY open!