Sunday, January 31, 2010

Mexico City

So initially the plan was to arrive in Mexico City on Friday night at like 10.30, and go have dinner with my good old friend Jose and his wife Tesha. But - wrong turn once - took me an hour to get back on track - that's Mexico City for you! So I arrived at 12a, had drinks with Jose until like 2.30pm, and decided to spend another day. I ended up spending two more days, and it was sooo worth it. On day one, Jose picked me up at his place at noon, and then took me along all day to their factory (see below),
Then we went to a couple meetings etc. and dinner. Amazing insight into Jose's daily life. That's what I could deal with. Eight hours in an office every day - NO. The next morning we first went and had breakfast with the kids, then dropped them off at school. For those of you who've seen "Man on Fire" (w/ Denzel Washington), you know that there is a high emphasis on security at Mexican private schools. Even though they know Jose, they first checked the trunk before letting us into this gate:
Then Jose had a business-breakfast, in which they pre-negoticated the new wages and conditions for the workers with the union. For the rest of the day, we headed for Toluca, a small city on the outskirts that is slowly becoming part of Mexico City (which now has about 30 million people). While Jose and a coworker went to some event, I went to explore the city: Very nice, relaxed, beautiful city square, a botanical garden inside a building done with beautiful glasswork (see foto).
In the evening, we went to Jose's in-laws and they took me along to a traditional Sabbath-dinner (on Friday night, start of Sabbath). Great experience, great time.
As always, things that happen unexpectedly are the best. I'm in Guatemala now, I'll write more about the travel here later. First I need to go and get a hotel. My sincerest thank you to Jose and his family. Hasta luge ...

1 comment:

  1. I hope they also checked the trunk when you were LEAVING... in those movies, that's how the kids disappear... ;-)

    Very nice, love reading your blog every time.

    On a side note, I hope you realize that Reto's comments are LONGER than your blogs... the only remedy is to write more, and more often! :-)

    Statistical Analysis:
    Photos of Guys: -6-
    Photos of Girls: -0- *

    * brides in the distance do NOT quality.

